Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Challenge

The first thing I promise to myself and everyone reading: I'm going to be honest.

I don't know how I feel about my body.  I'm not fat, but I'm certainly not skinny.  I've decided to kick myself into a healthier lifestyle for real through the motivational use of a blog.  They say it takes 21 days to break a habit and start a new one -- well I'm giving myself an extra 7 just to be safe!  Over the course of 4 weeks, I will be tracking my diet and daily exercise on this here blog for everyone to see.  I'll be posting pictures of myself from start to finish at least once a week.

Oh yeah, I'm not following any real "plan."  Just common sense.
-Exercise every day for at least 45 minutes
-No fast food
-No super sugary things and minimal fatty things (you need good fats to stay healthy!)
-Lots of green leafy vegetables
-Protein: lean meats, nuts and eggs
-Minimal dairy
-No alcohol

That's it.  I am positive that I will be seeing results with that very plan.

I will officially be starting on Sunday, July 8th.  I'm currently in Washington state on an epic vacation of hiking, backpacking, climbing various things, pickleball and other amazing feats.  I guess this counts as starting early since I'm super active every day, but I'm making my official kickoff when I get home to Michigan.

Wish me luck!